ZWay: new ZWave devices!

Right, it was about time to invest into some new ZWave devices for my home. Christmas being over....... I finally made up my mind and ordered:
  • A smoke sensor: Fibaro FGSS-001.
  • A wireless siren & strobe alarm: FortrezZ SSA1

So far I managed to include the smoke sensor device; the ZWay configuration screen were initially not right and I had to update the ZDDX definitions in order to get it right: it was missing the XML file for this brand new device: "500-010f-0c00-1000-03-03-34-02-01.xml" (note that there is a nice ZWave device database here). For that matter, I discovered that there is a script meant for that purpose: "/opt/z-way-server/ZDDX/"

I did not install yet the alarm device; too risky :-) My C++ Razberry proxy software needs some rework and device abstractions first...


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