Android: sending notifications

Until now, my "Home server" Google application (running in the cloud :-)) was using basic XMPP for sending sensor notifications to my phone. With that, each time a sensor changed status, a small text message was sent to me, appearing in my Google Talk application, telling me what sensor changed, the time etc.
Easy, simple, very basic: a few lines of code, done. Even an event history for free!

However this basic solution started to be annoying:

  • No easy way to integrate the notifications with my "Client" Android application.
  • Impossible to use this if the Android Google Talk application got upgraded to "Hangouts": I tried and indeed, I never got a single message when using Hangouts. Apparently, this is a known limitation?

Luckily last month I finally discovered Google Cloud Messaging and had a bit of time to "practice" during the holidays. In short, it makes it possible to easily received/send messages from/to an Android device; the sender can be as simple as an HTTP POST or a few Java calls using an advanced API wrapping up the GCM possibilities.

Now I almost finished the switch from XMPP to GCM, and the result is nice: there is almost no delay (1 second?) between the moment I trigger a sensor and my Android application showing it!

Besides that, I did not yet manage to get the Z-Wave Alarm command class working on my system. Unfortunately no answers from the Z-Wave Me forum so far :-( and well... it seems the forums got abandoned and assaulted by advertisement bots so... May be everybody is at CES 2014?


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