
Showing posts from March, 2013

First steps with the ZWay library

The Z-Wave "RaZberry" installation comes with everything needed to be able to do some custom development in C; everything is installed in the /opt/z-way-server  directory. There, one can find: A set of (documented, nice!) C header files found in /opt/z-way-server/libzway-dev : CommandClassesPublic.h FunctionClassesPublic.h ZDataPublic.h ZDefsPublic.h ZErrors.h ZPlatform.h ZWayLib.h A set of libraries found in /opt/z-way-server/libs : For the ZWay stack to run properly, it is needed to provide the necessary configuration files. Instead of using these directly from the installation folder, I made a copy in order not to mess up too much with my working/configured setup. The following directories from the ZWay installation folder are needed: config translations ZDDX For experimenting I made a small Makefile in order to build and run. main.out: main.c gcc -I/opt/z-way-server/li...

More toys: Razberry & sensors!

Having a "Raspberry Pi" as a DHCP server is of course not my end goal. There are plenty of ideas I have about what it could do... Home automation is one of them. So finally, after a long time hesitating between various extensions, devices and technologies, I finally ordered some new fancy toys: First of all, a Z-Wave extension board for the Pi: the "Razberry" from . Unfortunately expensive (but well, a USB dongle is also too), but quite a nice little extension board. A set of Z-Wave sensors; as security was my wife first concern and my budget limited, I bought three door/window contact detectors ( SM103 from Everpring ). Z-Wave  seems to be definitively an expensive choice compared to ZigBee , but well, at least I found easily some devices, and guess what, so far it works out-of the box!  So now, time to look at APIs and see how to get further... As a start, I would like to be able to control things from my phone and be able to get notified w...