More configuration on the Pi
Since my last post, although my [fun][geek] evening time was limited, I managed to fix a few issues on my home network, thanks to my Raspberry Pi. First, I made it reachable from the Internet. Nothing difficult there: I already had this setup for my "old" Dell Linux machine. Just a matter of: Assigning a fixed local IP address to the RPI. Configuring a NAT rule on the Internet gateway that maps an external port (e.g. 12345) to the SSH daemon port on the RPI (port 22). Having a small client that registers the Internet gateway external IP address to a free dynamic DNS service. For that I installed and configured " ddclient " with an account from DynDNS . Cool... How geek, now I can remotely connect to my home network from the Internet. Well, this is needed for later: I want it to be the center and the entry to my home network. Home-automation, security here we go! Since my [fabulous] Internet gateway still refuses to persist DHCP static lease bindings, ...