Old stuff, new stuff
Looking for a small HTTP library I can use for my experimentation project. Something simple, not too big, not too complex. Something I can use right away without spending hours to understand the APIs. And, something in C/C++. I think I found it, something old, but well, one include file, 10-15 lines of code and I have my HTTP GET request working, that's pretty cool. libghttp 1.0.9 . An "old" HTTP library from Gnome... It looks completely abandoned, but who cares, it compiles, links and works. C/C++, here I come, I know how I am going to jump back into this world. I will start writing a nice C++ wrapper class. New stuff? No, I am not talking about this little thing I want to do. For me the new stuff is to use Google Test and try to apply as much as possible the test driven development methodology. Try... yes, because from what I remember from the TDD training from last year, it is said that in C/C++ world it is not as easy to apply as in Java's world. I guess I will m...